Tomfoolery and trickery for April Fool’s! Host Nick Spitzer’s chair is grabbed by pretenders seeking to impose their own music mix. Spitzer reclaims power in time to revisit several hoaxes in the history of American music and radio.

American Routes Goes to the Movies
Get your popcorn and tell the guy next to you to pipe down, as we feature soundtracks and songs from great films. Cine noir to spaghetti western, King Creole to Pulp Fiction - music makes the movie. We'll talk with director Jim Jarmusch about the soundtracks to Mystery Train, Down By Law and Ghost Dog - and producer T Bone Burnett lets us behind the scenes of O Brother, Where Art Thou. Shhh...down in front please!

St. Patrick in America
At last some good luck with the Irish! For St. Patrick's Day, we'll explore Celtic influences in American music and vice versa. With music from Bing Crosby, Rufus Harley, Natalie MacMaster, Van Morrison and Louis Armstrong. Fiona Ritchie of Thistle & Shamrock makes a cameo appearance as do Tiny Grimes and the Rockin' Highlanders.

What’s in a Name?
Songs are often about or dedicated to someone. We dig into some of the great name songs in American music from “Lil’ Liza Jane” to “John Henry” and “Walt Whitman’s Niece.” Also some styles like zydeco nouveau and gunfighter ballads are for calling out names of Creole kings and outlaw heros.. Forgive our host if he plays a few namesake songs, as long as he plays yours too. “Nick Nick bo-bick….”